CesiumExt 1 — JavaScript Toolkit for Rich Web 3D Mapping Applications

CesiumExt is a Open Source Toolkit that provides GUI Components to be used with CesiumJS. Its implementation is based on CesiumJS and ExtJS library.
So, the available GUI Components are extended from ExtJS and ready to be used or to be extended. This library is inspired by the wonderful GeoExt library which was built on top of OpenLayers & ExtJS. CesiumExt 1 is the first base version which uses currently the versions CesiumJS 1.63 and ExtJS 6.2.0.

About CesiumExt

This framework helps 3D GIS developers to design, develop, test and deploy professional applications in a rapid and more efficient way

Now, have a look at the on-line examples below and read the API documentation or checkout the code

v1.0.0 API documentation
A screenshot of an example built with CesiumExt 1

Download & how to use in your application

You can download CesiumExt:

On-Line Examples

Code licensed under the GPL-3-license. All documentation CC BY 3.0.

The CesiumExt library is for use with the ExtJS and CesiumJS libraries. ExtJS is distributed under the terms of the GPL v3. See the ExtJS license page for more details. CesiumJS is opensource and distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. See the CesiumJS license terms for more details.